The best known masks of the Yohure, a small ethnic group inhabiting the central region of Côte d’Ivoire, represent human faces supplemented by animal attributes. With the aid of such masks, the people hope to influence supernatural powers, or yu, that can do harm to humans, but that can also insure their welfare. The masks are considered emblems of yu spirits, very dangerous, to be handled with caution, and absolutely kept out of sight of women. Cases of death that jeopardize the social order are the principal occasions for an appearance of masqueraders. By means of their dance, they restore the social equilibrium of the community and accompany the deceased into the ancestral realm. The Yohure masks evince stylistic influences of the Guro, with whom Yohure are related. In the present example, the mask shows a strong influence of the Dan masks what is rather unusual and valuable for collectors.
Material: wood